Weekly interpretations of Sunday's scriptures as if they were written for communities, not just for virtuous indviduals.
Because the scriptures were written for communities. Modern communities can grow if they reckon with scripture this way. Almost all other commentary (published or preached) interprets scripture for the benefit of virtuous individals.
I'm Greg Warnusz, member of Holy Name of Jesus Parish, in northeast Saint Louis County, Missouri, USA, since the parish's founding in 2005; member of that parish's predecessors since 1992; author of Lector's Notes at https://lectorprep.org since 1999; and web steward for FOSIL since about 2011.
I studied in the seminaries of the Archdiocese of Saint Louis from the mid 1960's to the mid-1970's, served as a priest there for 18 years, and took numerous opportunities for continuing education.